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TELC B1 Examination (Page 12 / Language Modules Part 1)

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Today I'll show you how to solve the tasks with the prepositions especially quickly and correctly:

The solutions 22, 26, 28, 29 all have something to do with prepositions and the correct case. Important: Before you start, remember the article in the dative case: dem- der - den

Be careful with relative pronouns: dem - der - denen


- at+ dative

- Company= the company

- Solution: c - a company


- You need a preposition with a dative - you can tell by this time. In the nominative case: the time;

- bis+ accusative - answer a is certainly wrong

- in+ after can both use the dative

- The meaning is "during this time" = "at this time";

- Solution: b - in


- with+ dative

- c- the = wrong! (no dative)

- This sentence is a relative sentence referring to the colleagues.

- Colleagues= plural

- Solution: b - those


- at+ dative

- a- my - is certainly wrong! (no dative)

- friends= plural (you can also tell by the n - dative plural gets an n - except for words like taxi -taxis that end in s).

- Solution: b - mine

More about the accusative next time!

The cases can be practised with this Book practice: 

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